How accessible is your city?

Capture event

Perhaps mapathons are the most exciting and efficient way to collect accessibility information. When people meet and record places together, the number of entries grows particularly quickly.

Mapathon in Basel

In which stores can you shop with a wheelchair? Which restaurant has a disabled toilet? A group of people with and without physical disabilities in Basel investigated these questions. The results have been incorporated into the ginto app. Julian Heeb is the inventor of the app and head of product development at Sitios: “The app was created out of a personal need. I was tired of always looking for a restaurant for half an hour.” He is sitting in an electric wheelchair that weighs around 200 kilograms. “It's no use calling the restaurant and asking if it's wheelchair accessible and they say yes — and when you come they want to carry me.” The Television Team from 10vor10 accompanied us at the recording event in Basel and published a great report.

A Group of People Meet in Bern's Old Town for a Mapathon
Picture: Ginto

Watch a video about Mapathon in Basel on
Picture: SRF
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